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Like making graphics? Collecting images? Getting rewarded for those things? Then you should donate to Symbolic!

Level Badges

Level badges must be 200x80, must have a border, must use appropriate images, and you must donate for all 11 levels (applicant through revolutionary) and the badges must have the word Symbolic on them somewhere! You can donate level badges once a month

Reward? For a set of 11 level badges you will recieve 2 choice regulars (or 1 choice special) and 2 coupons

Master Badges

Level badges must not me ridiculous size, must have a border, must use appropriate images, must have the word Symbolic on them somewhere as well as the deck name. You can donate 10 level badges (2 sets of 5) once a month

Reward? For a set of 5 master badges you will recieve 1 choice regular, 1 random regular and 1 random coupon

Link Buttons

Link buttons must be standard 88x31 or 100x35, must have a border, must use appropriate images, and must say Symbolic on them. You can donate six buttons (2 sets of 3) once a month

Reward? For a set of 3 link buttons you will recieve 1 random special and 1 random regular

Deck Images

You can donate images to help me make decks! A set of deck image should be about 30 images per deck which are good to high quality good examples for the deck. If you pick the first 30 images in XYZ gallery at I'll know, so please have a choosy eye with your images! For now you can donate up to three sets of images per month.

Reward? For a set of images you will recieve 1 choice regular, 2 random regulars and 1 random coupon