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Dueling is a game that is unique to Symbolic which involves you entering a duel and then at the month facing off against someone. So how's it done?

Getting your Ring

For January, in order to get your ring you have to simply fill out a contact form telling me how your holidays were in the comments ^^.

Dueling Partners

Once you've gotten your ring I will set you up with a dueling partner.

The Duel

At the end of the month I will reveal the "mystery duel deck" and whoever has the most cards from that decks will recieve 1 choice, 1 random special and a coupon, the loser will recieve a coupon so it's always worth entering since you'll always get SOMETHING. Happy dueling everyone!

December Duel Prizes: Genius

Winning Duelists: Galanomne and Emma and Aurora Avalon

+1 choice regular

Runner-up Duelists: Indigo and Zii and Ariel